Could overhauling your approach to office design enhance creativity among your workers?

Luckily, dingy offices crammed with depressing cubicles are for the most part a thing of the past. Today’s most cutting-edge companies have recognised that an inspiring office design can help to motivate employees, enhance performance and have a positive effect on their bottom lines. In particular, it’s now well established that an effectively designed, exciting workplace can lead to greater creativity. If you’re keen to get the creative juices flowing among your workforce, overhauling your approach to office design could be your first step. Balancing work with play Having games rooms and recreational areas in the workplace is becoming an increasingly popular design trend, especially with creative agencies. In fact, some of the most successful global companies have adopted this work-play balance in their offices. Google, for example, is famous for its quirky and fun workplaces, which include features like basketball courts, massage parlours, lounges and movie rooms. While it may seem that this defeats the point of being at work, experts believe that giving employees the chance to enjoy some downtime can actually improve efficiency and innovation. After all, the more stressed or overworked someone feels, the less likely they are to generate great ideas and produce their best work. Providing casual, home-like spaces helps staff to feel comfortable and relaxed, which aids mental ability while also encouraging colleagues to interact and share ideas. Flexible workspaces For many workers, being restricted to the same desk for five days a week can make the daily grind seem unbearable. For employees to feel engaged and remain on top form, they need variety in their day-to-day working lives. One way to achieve this by providing flexible workspaces. While open plan offices are great for creative collaboration and bouncing ideas around, there also need to be private workspaces for those who require quiet to be able to focus on individual tasks. Having a flexible workplace gives people the chance to move around and choose how they work, and this added sense of freedom can lead to greater happiness and productivity. Another aspect of the flexible office trend that is gaining traction is informal meeting spaces. Rather than having designated boardrooms, forward-thinking companies are now opting for open and more casual meeting spaces with the hope of facilitating spontaneous interactions and impromptu brainstorming sessions. Stimulating surroundings An office doesn’t need to be an impressive complex with state-of-the-art facilities to be stimulating. In fact, a few small changes can make a big difference. For example, having lots of natural light, plenty of plants and using natural materials like wood can help to create a pleasant, invigorating work environment. Mood-enhancing décor can also boost brainpower. For example, the colour green has been linked to enhanced cognitive function and creativity. Features such as interactive whiteboards, mural walls and vibrant artwork can also be used to to make an office more exciting and engaging. Giving employees a say in how the workplace is decorated and allowing them to customise their own spaces with personal touches can also help to drive innovation and originality. By taking a different approach to office design with ideas like these, you stand a much better chance of inspiring creativity among your workforce.