7 Benefits of Staff Lockers in the Workplace

7 Benefits of Staff Lockers in the Workplace

Changing office culture has seen a rise in hot desking, flexible hours and work-from-home policies. Employers are beginning to recognise the value of offering their employees flexibility and benefits to improve morale and increase loyalty. Workplace culture is now seen as a real draw for people looking for new jobs, putting pressure on businesses to keep up with the times. Alongside flexible hours and remote working, making physical changes to the office is a great way to make your business a desirable workplace. These changes could mean installing new office furniture to encourage collaboration or be as simple as adding a coffee machine to help with those early starts. In this article, we’ll discuss how staff lockers can help you improve office culture and keep your employees happy.

1. A place to store personal items

Flexible hours and remote working may mean employees need to bring their belongings to and from work more often. Having their own personal space to store belongings will make employees feel valued and give them a place to keep their possessions safe during the working day.

2. Keeps the workspace free of clutter

Without staff lockers, personal items, coats, and bags will all have to be stored at employees’ desks. Keeping the workspace free of clutter is important for productivity. A tidy and organised office will have a more professional feel and leave the desk space for work equipment and important documents. If you don’t have staff lockers, once installed, you’ll be surprised at the difference it makes to the feel of the office.

3. Creates a sense of belonging

Staff lockers give employees their own space to store personal items. While this is practical, it can also help create a sense of belonging amongst employees. It gives them a space to control, and they can relax and keep busy knowing all their stuff is safe in their locker. Offering employees staff lockers helps them stay connected to the business and makes them feel more valued – boosting motivation.

4. Improves organisation

Not only are staff lockers a place to store personal items, but they can also be used to store work equipment. This means the likes of stationery, laptops and documents can be easily accessed whenever they’re needed, without wasting time looking for them. This improves the organisation and productivity of the office.

 5. Ideal for hot desking

Hot desking is becoming far more common, especially with the rise of remote working. When employees want to use the office, being able to sit close to those who have also decided to go in that day on a desk of their choosing is a flexible way of working. Staff lockers are perfect for offices that have hot desking or remote working policies in place. This is because employees can no longer keep all their belongings at their desk as that might not be where they sit the next time they use the office. Staff lockers offer a place to keep anything they want to leave stored safe and securely, without leaving clutter on a desk a colleague wants to use.

6. Provides security

Security in the office is essential. Employees won’t deliver their best work if they don’t feel like their personal items such as mobile phones are safe, plus you can avoid potential conflict caused by items going missing. Having a personal space where they can store their belongings that they’re the only ones who can access will give them peace of mind during their working day. Staff lockers with keys will cover any issue of security as employees won’t have to worry about anyone else gaining access to their valuables.

7. Personalisation

Staff lockers can be a great way for businesses to advertise their brand and culture. Using materials and colours on the locker door can help companies showcase what they’re all about in a cost-effective way. Employees who use these lockers will be reminded of the company they work for and help them feel part of the brand. Allowing employees to customise their own can create a feeling of value and help them feel more connected to the business.

If you want to add staff lockers to your office to help improve workplace culture and provide your employees with a safe place to store their belongings, you can find our extensive range here.