10 Organisational Secrets Your Colleagues Aren't Telling You

No matter how many times you rearrange your paperwork and de-clutter your desk, you can’t quite seem to get organised. Meanwhile, your co-workers always manage to stay on top of tasks and are far more productive than you. While you spend most of your day shuffling things around trying to find what you need, they’re getting things done. Sound familiar? So what exactly can you learn from your super-organised workmates? Here are 10 organisational secrets your colleagues aren’t telling you.   1. Give everything a home   Ever heard the saying ‘a place for everything and everything in its place’? Well, you can be certain that your more organised peers have. There have been numerous studies that suggest that a cluttered, untidy desk can cause added stress and have a negative impact on your performance at work. If you are guilty of having a messy workstation, now is the time to take action. By having a designated area for all of your office supplies and equipment, you’ll be able to create an efficient, functional space and boost your productivity. Before you leave the office, do a quick tidy up and make sure everything on your desk is in its rightful home so you can start the following day with a clear mind.   2. Make a to-do list   It’s a simple trick, but it can be extremely effective. Making a to-do list at the beginning of each day can help you to manage your time more effectively and it can be especially useful during busy periods or when you are working to a strict deadline. Of course, the more important the task, the higher up on your list it should go. Not only will having a checklist help you to stay on top of your workload, but you will also get the added satisfaction when you get to cross something off.   3. Get rid of what you don’t need   Do you really need that handout from a meeting you had last month? If it’s not important, put it in its appropriate place or throw it away. Take the time to go through your equipment, supplies and knick-knacks and purge your desk of anything that you don’t need. As a general rule of thumb, if you haven’t used it in the last month, chances are you’re not going to need it anytime soon. When you are done, you should only be left with the important, everyday items.   4. Label your things   OK, so it’s not the most exciting job in the world, but labeling your equipment can make your working day run more smoothly. Adding labels to shelves, files and storage containers can help you to function more efficiently and reduce wasted time spent searching for the things you need. Plus, as well as reminding you of where things go, it will also help others who need to locate items on your workspace.   5. Keep frequently-used items close at hand   Are you always misplacing your stapler? Do you spend at least 10 minutes before a meeting searching for your notepad rather than preparing? By keeping all of your frequently-used items within easy reach in one place, such as a top drawer, you’ll be able to quickly find the things you use the most and minimise any potential distraction. Anything that you rarely use but still need to keep can be stored away in filing cabinets or cupboards.   6. Revise your filing system   If you want to be on the same level as your organised workmates, consider revising your filing system. Have a section dedicated to documents that have just arrived, work that is in progress and completed files that need to be archived. This way you can prioritise your most important tasks and keep on top of what still needs to be done. Also, try to deal with files as and when you receive them to prevent your filing system from becoming overcrowded.   7. Organise your emails   Ever wondered why your colleague’s inbox is clear while you’ve got hundreds of emails mounting up by the minute? To avoid email congestion, get into the habit of streamlining your inbox. Have an ‘urgent’ folder for important emails and a ‘pending’ folder for those you need to come back to and delete any messages you don’t need when you receive them. This will help you to keep track of your work.   8. Stop multitasking   To be successful in the workplace, more often than not it’s about quality rather quantity. Multi-tasking and trying to do too many things at once doesn’t always save you time and can actually hinder productivity. Not only will the quality of your work suffer, but you also run the risk of losing track of what you are meant to be doing. Take a more systematic approach and stick to one task at at a time to help you maintain focus.   9. Free yourself from distractions   We all know how tempting it can be to peek at your latest notification on Twitter, read through your texts during an arduous meeting or update your status about how fantastic your lunch was, but these small interruptions can eat up precious time. If you want to make the most out of your working day, keep your phone on silent and free yourself from all distractions that impede your concentration.   10. Create a routine that suits your working style   Last but not least, try to plan your day around how you work best. For example, if you find that your motivation begins to flag after midday, try to do your most important work in the morning. As a general rule of thumb, save smaller tasks for when your energy levels are at their lowest and leave the more challenging jobs for when you are at your most alert. Having this routine will help you to remain engaged throughout the day. Being organised at work is an ongoing process, but by taking our suggestions on board, you can look forward to a more productive, enjoyable and successful work life.