Polished & professional or scruffy & substandard: what does your reception say about you?

As the entrance to your office, your reception area is hugely important. As clients, customers and employees enter your premises, they will start to form an opinion of your business based on what they initially see. The way you design and organise this space can speak volumes about your professionalism, company culture and attitude towards work. As such, it pays off to give some careful consideration to this area and think about what kind of signals you could be sending. Want to find out whether you’re polished and professional or scruffy and substandard? Read on to learn more about what your reception says about you.   Professionalism   When it comes to your corporate image, first impressions matter. A reception area that looks unkempt and rundown is bound to reflect negatively on your business. Poor quality furniture, parcels left on the floor and a reception desk piled high in paperwork suggests that you are disorganised and unprofessional, which can be incredibly off putting for prospective clients and employees. To project a sleek, polished appearance, you’ll need to make sure your entrance area is clutter-free and well organised at all times. Invest in plenty of storage solutions and ensure that your fittings and furnishings are of a high standard.   Welcoming atmosphere   To make your guests feel at ease when they visit your business, it’s important to make your reception area as welcoming as possible. A room that is well designed, has a comfortable seating area, plenty of space, the right lighting and inviting décor can help to give an overall positive image of your business and show others that you care about your visitors’ needs. Small touches, like plants, wall art and complimentary refreshments, can also go a long way towards generating a favourable impression.   Create a success story   It’s also important to consider how well your front of house shows off your success. As a room that receives a high amount of traffic every day, your reception is the perfect place to showcase your achievements as a company. Whether it’s framed certificates, a display cabinet of your best selling products or company literature, personalising this space with your success story can help to instil trust in others and demonstrate what you are able to accomplish.   Your corporate identity   Have you ever thought about how well your office expresses your corporate identity? If your entrance is bland and has no personality, you could be missing the mark. Having a branded reception that reflects your company culture can boost your chances of winning business and attracting prospective employees. Everything within the area needs to communicate who you are and what you do. Whether you want to be seen as fun and innovative or sophisticated and authoritative, make a statement about your company’s values and vision with a branded colour scheme and décor that reflects your firm’s ethos.   By putting some thought into the way in which you design your reception, you should be able to create a stylish, welcoming space that boosts your brand and leaves a long lasting impression.