3 workplace resolutions for 2017

Is your office décor uninspiring and drab? Are you not getting enough exercise during the working day? Do you find yourself constantly searching for missing documents? Whatever your problems in the office, the new year is the perfect time to make some changes. With this in mind, here are three useful workplace resolutions that could benefit you in 2017 and beyond.  
  1. Move around more

Sitting is now being likened to smoking by some experts in terms of the the level of risk it poses to public health. Changes in technology and working habits mean that many of us now lead far more sedentary lives that our predecessors did in previous generations. Worryingly, research has linked excessive sitting with a range of serious health problems, including type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and certain cancers. Predictably, it also raises people’s risk of obesity. Sitting down for prolonged periods of time is thought to slow down the body’s metabolism, which impacts its ability to regulate blood pressure and sugar and break down fat. A study conducted by a team from Harvard Medical School and the Division of Preventive Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital suggested that inactivity causes nine per cent of premature deaths around the world. So, given the clear dangers associated with too much sitting, what can you do protect your health in the office? One simple thing could be to invest in Sit Stand desks. These innovative furnishings give you the option of standing while you work. It’s also a good idea to get into the habit of regularly taking breaks from your desk to move around the office. Why not go for a walk or hit the gym on your lunch break too? These simple but effective tactics could help to stave off a range of medical problems.  
  1. Clear the clutter

Sick of searching for lost paperwork? Perhaps it’s time to invest in additional office storage. Having plenty of filers and cupboards to house everything from documents to books and stationery supplies will help you to keep your workspace organised. If you’re a little short on square footage, you could invest in space-saving solutions like under-desk pedestals and full-height cabinets. As well as making sure you’re properly kitted out, it’s worth putting in place an effective filing system, and if you haven’t already done so, try to get into the habit of filing your documents as you go or at the end of each day. This will help ensure your workspace doesn’t gradually slide into disarray.  
  1. Get serious about style

An attractive office not only looks professional and impressive when guests visit, it’s also inspiring for you and your colleagues to use. Having the perfect colour scheme and stylish design touches can be a big morale booster and it might even help you to work more effectively. So, if you’re bored of the way your workplace looks or it’s beginning to look a little tatty, why not make some improvements? Simply repainting the walls, hanging some new artwork and introducing more greenery should give your office a new lease of life.  
Resolving to make improvements like these could help to make 2017 one of your most productive and enjoyable yet - and the benefits should last long into the future.