How to Disassemble an Office Chair

How to Disassemble an Office Chair

Disassembling office furniture makes it easier to move or transport to another location. Whether you’re moving offices or throwing out an old office chair, our guide on how to disassemble an office chair will help you take it apart quickly and easily. We go through each step in detail, covering:

  • How to Remove Office Chair Headrests
  • How to Remove Office Chair Backrests
  • How to Remove Office Chair Armrests
  • How to Disassemble an Office Chair Base
  • How to Disassemble Office Chair Wheels

When disassembling your office chair, we recommend putting any small or loose parts in a bag for safekeeping. You may be unable to remove certain parts from your chair if they arrived attached. If you have any questions or concerns, contact your chair manufacturers.

How to Remove Office Chair Headrests

The headrest is a good place to start when disassembling your office chair. Most headrests are only attached with a few bolts so removing them should be fairly straightforward. Remove any cover plate or tabs and use a screwdriver or Allen wrench to remove all the bolts from your headrest. Once this is done, you can put the cover plate or tabs back on your chair.

How to Remove Office Chair Backrests

If the backrest on your chair is detachable, you should be able to use an Allen wrench or screwdriver to remove the bolts underneath the chair that hold the backrest in place. Once removed, the backrest will simply lift off the chair. Remember to put all the screws and/or washer into a bag for safekeeping.

How to Remove Office Chair Armrests

Armrests often come with multiple parts, so it’s worth remembering which order you take them off during disassembly. You will need to remove a few regular or Allen key screws to detach the armrests. Many office chair designs cover the screw areas with stoppers if you’re struggling to find them.

Armrests are usually fixed to the seating pad, but other designs attach them to the seat pad and backrest. Remove the screws in the backrest and the armrests should easily pull off.

How to Disassemble an Office Chair Base

To remove your chair base, you need to understand how to disassemble an office chair gas cylinder. You’ll need a pipe wrench, duct tape and a stable work surface to do this. Start by adding the duct tape to the teeth of the pipe wrench to protect the cylinder, and place your chair upside down on a table so it’s at a comfortable height.

Use the pipe wrench to turn the cylinder until it comes loose. Once loosened, you will need to use a rubber mallet to dislodge the cylinder from its base. Hit the base of the cylinder and be careful not to let it hit your feet when it falls out. If it’s not coming out, tap the sides of the cylinder to loosen it further.

How to Disassemble Office Chair Wheels

It’s very straightforward to remove wheels from your office chair. Once the base has been disassembled, place it upside down and begin taking off the casters individually. You might need to find and use a lever feature to remove wheels from certain chairs.

5 Things You Should Consider When Disassembling an Office Chair

There are a few things you should consider when disassembling your office chair, particularly if you plan on putting it back together. Here are our recommendations:

1. Remember how the chair came

As you disassemble your office chair, try to remember how everything connects and disconnects. This will be useful when you put it back together. The same should apply when you’re assembling new furniture. Being mindful of how it’s all put together will make disassembling it easier in the future.

2. Use the right tools

Using the right tools for disassembling an office chair will make the job easier and stop you from accidentally damaging anything. You’ll likely need a screwdriver or Allen key to remove the screws, and a wrench and rubber mallet for the gas cylinder.

3. Avoid disassembling what's unnecessary

Think about why you need to disassemble the chair to ensure you only detach parts that are necessary. You might not need to remove everything for it to fit into a car or through a door, for example. This will lessen your workload now and make putting it back together an easier task.

4. Some things can't be removed

There are certain parts of your chair that can’t or shouldn’t be removed to avoid permanent damage. For example, certain chairs have the backrest or arms built into the frame. It’s also worth double-checking if the cylinder can be removed without causing any damage.

5. Protect your work surface

It’s worth protecting the surface you’re disassembling the chair on. If you’re using a desk or table, it could easily pick up marks or scratches, especially when you’re using a mallet to knock the gas cylinder out. An old blanket or cardboard would help protect the surface and your chair.

This guide should help you successfully disassemble your office chair. Remember to keep any loose screws or bolts in a bag, as losing them would make putting it back together a challenge. If you’re throwing out an old office chair or are moving to a new office, explore our extensive range of office furniture for a replacement, additional storage options and an impressive collection of desks.